The biggest fundraiser of the year for Virginia Peterson Elementary!
This is a chance for the kids to have some fun while getting fit and raising money for their school.
Here is how you can help!
Over the next two weeks Taj and Kiah will be collecting donations for the fun run. These donations will be flat rate donations. No per lap pledges. Which is a good thing because last year Kiah ran the most laps in her whole school! Suggested donation is $5 or $10.
Each group of students will run, walk or jog for 20 minutes. The student who does the most laps in their class recieves a T-shirt. The class with the most donations will recieve an ice cream party.
The donations will go toward assemblies, field trips, playground equipment and classroom enhancements.
The Kids love to win prizes!
-everyone who participates recieves a gold medal
-each student who brings in 25-49.99 dollars recieves a frisbee.
-50 or more recieve a t shirt and frisbee
- Grand Prize! The top 9 students school wide who bring in the most donations will be picked up by limosine and go out for a pizza lunch with the principal. They will also recieve a frizbee and t-shirt. WOW!
Payment Options
1. Make checks payable to Virginia Peterson PTA
Mail To: Taj and Kiah
363 tanglewood Dr
Paso Robles 93446
2. Click on the handy dandy donate button in the top right corner of this page and pay it directly into my Pay Pal account.
The kids will turn in their donations on Friday September 26th and will run on October third.
I will be volunteering at this event so I will take lots of pictures to post.
i just mailed $40
Thank's Hil!! The kids and their school thank you!
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