Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Cupcakes

The kids and I had fun making these cup cakes for Kiah's class. Actually the kids did everything. I just stood there and read the recipe to them and kind of directed them. But I didn't touch anything until the icing. Kiah and I did the icing.

Some Recent Pictures

Kiah continues to look foward to riding lessons every week
This is what whe have now instead of a snake. They are so cute!

Kiah's birthday party was a blast

Friday, September 19, 2008

Neigh to Premarin! Spread the word

The following video's are very disturbing! I've seen animal cruelty video's before but It's been awhile and I had forgotten how sick it makes me feel. Literally like throwing up! Anyone who buys these products are just as guilty as the ones who torture and slaughter them! It's happening now, every day! How and why! Let's be smart consumers and do our best to find out where our animal byproducts are coming from. If you eat meat/dairy/eggs then be very selective when chosing which one you buy. There are very few producers who take the time to care about the animals. Do your homework. Don't turn the other cheek. You might be eating sadness. Maybe that's why American's are all depressed. For the most part I am very deliberate and carefull about the products I buy but I am just as guilty as the next person by occasionally grabbing whatever out of convinience. Not without some guilt. No More! I will never! Now get busy. You have some homework to do. I'll let you know what I find out. I already know that Organic Valley is good. But don't be fooled by Organic. Some have gotten too big and commercial. I could go on and on about this so I'll stop now so you can watch the damn video!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Panda Fun Run

The biggest fundraiser of the year for Virginia Peterson Elementary!
This is a chance for the kids to have some fun while getting fit and raising money for their school.
Here is how you can help!
Over the next two weeks Taj and Kiah will be collecting donations for the fun run. These donations will be flat rate donations. No per lap pledges. Which is a good thing because last year Kiah ran the most laps in her whole school! Suggested donation is $5 or $10.

Each group of students will run, walk or jog for 20 minutes. The student who does the most laps in their class recieves a T-shirt. The class with the most donations will recieve an ice cream party.

The donations will go toward assemblies, field trips, playground equipment and classroom enhancements.

The Kids love to win prizes!

-everyone who participates recieves a gold medal

-each student who brings in 25-49.99 dollars recieves a frisbee.

-50 or more recieve a t shirt and frisbee

- Grand Prize! The top 9 students school wide who bring in the most donations will be picked up by limosine and go out for a pizza lunch with the principal. They will also recieve a frizbee and t-shirt. WOW!

Payment Options

1. Make checks payable to Virginia Peterson PTA
Mail To: Taj and Kiah
363 tanglewood Dr
Paso Robles 93446
2. Click on the handy dandy donate button in the top right corner of this page and pay it directly into my Pay Pal account.

The kids will turn in their donations on Friday September 26th and will run on October third.
I will be volunteering at this event so I will take lots of pictures to post.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's time to pick your package for school pictures.

Do not. I said do not! order pictures to send out to everyone you know. School pictures usually suck and they aren't cheap my friends.

Order just one class picture and one or two 3x5's. If they are absolutely darling then you can always order more, but you really only need them for memories and to see the progression from year to year.

I spent exactly $12.oo and I'm getting 1 class, 2 3x5's and 4 wallets.

Unless you want

-a special(purple)colored back ground for just 3 dollars
-touch ups for just 6 dollars
-your childs name printed directly on the picture for just 5 dollars
Add the biggest package which is 62 dollars multiply it by two kids and you have spent well over 150.

You get the point
note: Penny's tip's may only apply to those who are chronically broke

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby Momma

If you haven't seen Baby Momma yet stop what your doing and go rent it Now!

I've wanted to see this movie when it was in the theatres but never made it. I've been anxiously awaiting it's arrival at the video store. It came out today and I reserved it at Redbox to be sure that it wasn't out of stock.

I was not disappointed at all. Usually all the funny parts are in the previews but I was laughing all the way through. So were the kids.

Steve Martin, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey and Sigourney Weaver are all in it and Amy Poehler definitely steals the show. The birthing coach reminds me of the priest in princess bride.

Funny five times

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little Snippet

Two conversations I had today.

Conversation with Taj:

Taj: I have an official new friend.

Me: Really that's great!

Taj: Apparently he thinks I'm funny.

This is the conversation I had with Kiah, let me fill you in a little first.

Kiah's legal first name is JahPenda and I have to write her whole legal name on all official paper work (school, doctors, daycare). I always tell them and or write on the paper that she goes by ONE of her middle names (Kiah). Apparently her teacher didn't get the memo because the first week of school Kiah's folder came home with the name JahPenda Ajahna on it. So I put a sticky note over it that kindly said that she goes by Kiah. She never got that either because KIAH TOOK IT OFF! She said she want's to go by JahPenda. Her teacher asked her if she wanted to go by JahPenda and she said YES! I noticed that she was still writing Kiah on her schoolwork, so I let her know that the teacher wasn't going to know whose paper it was if she's going by JahPenda but writing Kiah on her paper.

We had this conversation today while I was helping her with homework.

Me: Kiah, you spelled your name wrong on your paper.

Kiah: No I didn't

Me: Yes you spelled it J-a-penda, but it's spelled J-a-h-Penda. Why don't you just go by Kiah?

Kiah: No Mom!

Me: Do your friends at school call you JahPenda?

Kiah: Yes.

Nuff Said. Theres not turning back now

Meet JahPenda

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another Mouse

This one had a happy ending

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day at the beach

Groper in the park

The other night while Kiah and I were walking the dogs in the park there was a guy walking past us. I said hi just to be friendly and as he passed he reched back and touched my butt! I couldn't believe what had happened! I was stunned for a moment with no reaction accept for to reach back and cover my rear with my hand. I don't know why I didn't instantly fly off the handle and scream at him. My sister would have laid into him and caused a huge rukus if it were her. I was just frozen. By the time I was ready to yell at him he was to far away. So we continued our walk to the corner store. Kiah had no idea what had happened. Well....... I was outside the store with the dogs while Kiah was inside picking out a treat when a guy walked up. It looked like the same guy but I wasn't sure because it had been kinda dark in the park and I didn't get a good look at him. Well when he passed me he bushed against me and bumped my shoulder. Clearly on purpose. Again I was frozen. I shot him a dirty look and he looked at me like "hey baby". I felt disgusted and violated. I kept thinking about what I wanted to say if I saw him again. A few minutes later he came walking around the building and came up and asked me if my dogs were nice. Finally I said. Get away from me! Don't Talk to Me! You were in the park weren't you. He said No. I knew it was him. I told him "You had plenty of room to walk by me you didn't need to brush against me like that!" I'm with my daughter! Don't touch me again! He started to argue but he just walked away. So Kiah came out and we continued on our walk. I was in a hurry to get home because there were guys walking around all over the place and I felt really vulnerable. Then the night got even weirder. A guy pulled up in his driveway and when he got out he said sorry because he kinda cut us off when he pulled in. I said "It's ok" and kept walking. He started asking about the dogs and I talked to him about them for a second. He seemed like a friendly guy. Nice truck, nice house, married with a kid. Seems safe right? I told him that we were new to the area and that this was our first and last walk after dark. He asked what happened and I told him. He asked where my husband was and I like an idiot said not here. Kiah piped in and said"He's in Seattle" Big mistake. He asked where we lived and I told him the street. He asked for the house number and I played dumb and said I couldn't remember. Kiah started describing the house to him. I quickly said goodbye because it was getting weird. We got home and as soon as we shut the door kiah said "Mommy that guy just drove by" What! I quickly locked the door and tried to forget about it. We checked the mouse trap and if you've read the previous post you know what happened there. Anyway I was on the phone with my mom and Bud trying to figure out what to do with the mouse and my doorbell rings. Who'se there? No answer. Whose there? again no answer. Kiah looks out the window and says "mom it's that guy" she seems to think we made a new friend. I've since set her straight on this and let her know that we told him too much information and we should never do that again. Anyway he told me that he found the guy from the park and talked to him. Okayyyy. Did you know him? "No" Then he started rambling about how his wife was jelouse that he left to deal with this asking him if he liked me and such. Weird Weird Weird! I just shut the door and locked the whole house down tight. Unbelievably it doesn't stop there. Later when we returned from setting the mouse free he was walking down the sidewalk toward our house. This time he had his 2 year old on his shoulders and was walking his dog. It was 10: 30 at night! I started to back out of my driveway to avoid him but he was right there at my window. I cracked the window and told him we were just leaving to take Zoey my moms dog home. We drove around a little and then went home and haven't seen him since. Hopefully he will stay away. I have to say this was the strangest night I've ever experienced between the mouse and the wierdo's. I'm glad it's over.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Well we caught the mouse

Yes we caught the mouse and of course it wasn't dead! I couldn't look at it. I was hoping it would just hurry up and die so that I could get rid of it and not have to think about it anymore. Well that is until I catch the next one. The next one will be with a not kill mouse trap thank you very much. Kiah was having a fit crying and pleading. "Please don't let it die" She was soooooo upset. It was pinned right behind its head and over its rear end. It was not dying and Kiah was getting increasingly upset. "it's squeeking mommy!" I told her if we let it out it would suffer because its hurt so we should put it in a box and put it in the freezer so it will just go to sleep. It's supposed to be the most humane way to kill a mouse. Well at this point my goal was to make Kiah happy. I put the mouse and trap in a shoe box and brought it outside and accross the street. I opened the trap and it snapped back down on the poor thing again. I opened it again and he was free but his back legs were dragging. We got it back in the box and discussed the options again. Freezer or field. She wanted to feed it first. We gave it some peanut butter and it ate. Awhile later we took the box and let the mouse free in an open field. Whew. Happy daughter. Mouse far from the house. Mission accomplished. Today we will buying the no kill traps.

In other news. I WAS GROPED IN THE PARK LAST NIGHT! It's a long story. I'll write about it later tonight. Now we are off to the beach.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I have a gardener!!!

Meet My Gardener

I am so thrilled that I don't have to mow the lawn anymore. My yard is small compared to my old yard in Seattle but it will still be nice to have a gardener do it for me. I got a great deal on this one. She insists on mowing my lawn for me even if I cant pay her. She even begs to mow the lawn when it doesn't need it.

I also have a mouse. Yes a mouse. I have seen it three times now. The first time was a few days ago. I didn't know it was a mouse then. I saw something flit across the floor out of the corner of my eye. I told myself it was just a shadow, It surely was not a mouse. It was all too familiar. You see I saw this before at my sisters house in NY. I wasn't sure it was a mouse then either but found out quickly that it was. Only my mouse didn't show itself until a week later. I went to pour my second cup of coffee this morning and the little bugger ran accross the counter and shoved it's fat self behind the stove. I screamed of course. The kids were like "what! what!" I told them what I saw and this is what Taj said. "COOL!" No it's not cool! It's unsettling is what it is. Kiah apparently thought it was cool too because she didn't want to go with my mom to babysit her cousins. She wanted to stay here so she could see the mouse. I told her it might be dead or half dead when she saw it and she doesn't seem to care. Maybe it's because she feeds her cornsnake dead mice every week. But those are much much smaller. I figured out that it was coming from under the kitchen sink. It had left signs such as a chewed up sponge and droppings. I cleared it out and I had also pulled the stove out but it had already gotten away. We left the house for awhile to get some stain for Taj's bed and when we returned I opened the cupboard and said " mousey were home!" then it jetted across the back of the cupboard and of course I screamed. I didn't really think it would be there or come out. Something creepy about a mouse loose. I am not usually a screamer but they just catch you off guard. I just know this mouse has a name and I just know it's Gus because he's FAT. I'll let you know when I catch GUS GUS and friends. Maybe their here to help me like Cinderella.

Maybe I'll keep him.